Student and Parent Sign In

PowerSchool ID Creation

Step 1: Enter your current sign in information

Enter your Username and Password

— Or —

Create an Account

Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account. You can also manage your account preferences. Learn more.


Parent/Guardian Password Update

Upcoming security changes to the PowerSchool Parent Portal may require you to reset your password to more complex rules including: minimum of 8 characters and no previous passwords. Users will also be prompted to change their password if the password is a well-known password. PowerSchool will check existing or newly created passwords with a known list of existing passwords that are security risks.
If you need help with your Parent/Guardian Account please email:
Student Information System (SIS) Support.
(610) 374-0739, Ext. 1140.

This site is for Student/Parent access to the
Wyomissing Area School District
Student Information System.
Wyomissing Area School District